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contoh kalimat by phone

"by phone" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Jonas then listen to the cry Gerardo by phone.
    Jonas kemudian mendengarkan teriakan Gerardo melalui telepon.
  • Which I'd be happy to answer, by phone or e-mail.
    Akan kujawab lewat telpon atau e-mail.
  • They stay in contact by phone all night.
    Mereka tinggal di kontak lewat telepon sepanjang malam.
  • She didn't go to the office today and conducted business by phone?
    Sungguh paman yang aneh.
  • Tell her Carl Bruner did it by phone.
    Katakan padanya Carl Bruner melakukannya melalui telefon.
  • But we can't reach them by phone or nor wireless.
    Tapi tidak bisa menghubungi mereka.
  • Not may I communicate by phone with a subordinate?
    Tidak bolehkah aku berkomunikasi lewat telepon dengan bawahanku?
  • He opted to be interviewed by phone.
    Ia secara terbuka menyediakan diri untuk wawancara televisi.
  • Let us call you by phone bank!
    Mari kita memanggil Anda dengan Bank telepon!
  • You couldn't tell me that by phone?
    Kau tak bisa bilang lewat telepon ?
  • I rented myself this home by phone.
    Saya menyewa rumah ini melalui telepon.
  • I rented this place for myself, also by phone.
    Saya menyewa tempat ini untuk saya sendiri, juga melalui telepon.
  • He just dumped me by phone.
    Dia hanya membuang saya melalui telepon.
  • It's not valid to report by phone.
    Tidak sah melaporkan melalui telepon.
  • I'll talk to you by phone as soon as you get to the hospital.
    Aku akan menelponmu begitu kau tiba di rumah sakit.
  • We have to do it by phone. I won't do it if I have to wear a wire.
    Kita harus lakukan dengan telepon.
  • [Received news of acceptance to Chun Ha by phone shows his excitement]
    [Menerima kabar penerimaan di Univ. Chun Ha melalui telepon menunjukkan kegembiraannya]
  • The timer on the bomb was activated remotely by phone, which was smart.
    Penghitung waktu bom itu diaktifkan lewat telepon. Cara yang pintar.
  • Creator Stephen Hillenburg, speaking by phone from Southern California, said "Ten years.
    Pembuat Stephen Hillenburg, berbicara dari telepon Southern California, berkata "Sepuluh tahun.
  • Corresponding with us by phone, e-mail or otherwise.
    Sesuai dengan kami melalui telepon, e-mail atau lainnya.
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